I was off a little on breakfast this morning, so I thought long and hard about a healthly lunch. Sushi? No, I would have to get brown rice, and I am not in the mood for brown rice. Turkey sandwich from Panera? No, I don't want to wait in line, and Panera gets crazy at lunch time. Work cafeteria? Blech. They do have salad, and some other healthy choices, but...just blech!
I got in the car with no lunch or destination planned. A bad idea, perhaps, but it was already 12:45 and lunch time was running short. I drove in the general direction of all food sources in the area. All of the sudden I heard a voice in my head say, "Peanut butter sandwich!"
Yes! A peanut butter sandwich. No sugar added peanut butter, to be precise. Simply Jif. It's quite good at two grams of sugar, and loaded with eight grams of protein per two Tablespoons. I headed straight for the local supermarket, which is quite convenient to the office, and picked up peanut butter, multi-grain bread, and bananas. I thought the banana would be a good sweet snack for the afternoon. Turns out, it was SPECTACULAR on the sandwich itself!
And yes, I washed it down with yet another Diet Coke. One day, I will give that habit up too. For now, it stays.
Ok, so lunch for the rest of the week is going to be boring, at least as far as this blog is concerned, but at least it will be healthy!